Video Work and Documentation of Performances
Still Documentation
Print Embossed on the Body 2012-2015
Print Embossed on the Body 2012-2015
Print Embossed on the Body 2012-2015
Print Embossed on the Body was done in multiple iterations, but most frequently as a series of small group experiential sessions. In these sessions participants were invited to use letterpress blocks mounted in a wooden jig to emboss the word pathos onto their skin using the force of their own body. Pathos, as the root of the word pathology, means suffering in the classical sense. What is pathological is not what is outside the statistical norm, but that which causes suffering in a living thing, has a negative value for that body. As such, that body is the only authority on what is or is not pathological. Its suffering is individual and cannot be determined by an outside agent.
Slide from Careers In Psychic Waste Management, 2013
Still from Careers In Psychic Waste Management, 2013
Sites Of Transmission, 2012. Continuing my use of the bracket from earlier work, I had the marks inscribed in my body at two sites; on the right wrist and the back of the neck. I chose these places because they are the major sites of transmission of information, stimulus, and action between the world and my self. The back of the neck is the location of my brainstem. The wrist connects my primary tactile tool for manipulating my environment (my right hand) to the rest of my body.